
The task runner.

Run it with python -m iceprod.core.i3exec.

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-f CFGFILE, --cfgfile CFGFILE

Specify config file

-u URL, --url URL

URL of the iceprod server

-p PASSKEY, --passkey PASSKEY

passkey for communcation with iceprod server

--pilot_id PILOTID

ID of the pilot (if this is a pilot)

-d, --debug

Enable debug actions and logging


Enable offline mode (don’t talk with server)

–offline_transfer True/False

Enable offline file transfer

--logfile LOGFILE

Specify the logfile to use

--job JOB

Index of the job to run

--task TASK

Name of the task to run


gzip the iceprod logs