The core execution functions for running on a node.
These are all called from :any:`iceprod.core.i3exec`.
The fundamental design of the core is to run a task composed of trays and
modules. The general heirarchy looks like::
|- tray1
|- module1
|- module2
|- tray2
|- module3
|- module4
Parameters can be defined at every level, and each level is treated as a
scope (such that inner scopes inherit from outer scopes). This is
accomplished via an internal evironment for each scope.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import os
import stat
import time
import imp
import glob
import copy
import filecmp
import tempfile
import shutil
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from collections import Container
from contextlib import contextmanager
import subprocess
import asyncio
import cPickle as pickle
except Exception:
import pickle
import logging
from iceprod.core import to_log,constants
from iceprod.core import util
from iceprod.core import dataclasses
from iceprod.core import util
from iceprod.core import functions
from iceprod.core.resources import Resources
import iceprod.core.parser
from iceprod.core.jsonUtil import json_encode,json_decode
[docs]class Config:
"""Contain the configuration and related methods"""
def __init__(self, config=None, parser=None, rpc=None, logger=None):
self.config = config if config else dataclasses.Job()
self.parser = parser if parser else iceprod.core.parser.ExpParser()
self.rpc = rpc
self.logger = logger if logger else logging
def parseValue(self, value, env={}):
Parse a value from the available env and global config.
Uses the :class:`Meta Parser <iceprod.core.parser>` on any string value.
Pass-through for any other object.
:param value: The value to parse
:param env: The environment to use, optional
:returns: The parsed value
if isinstance(value,dataclasses.String):
self.logger.debug('parse before:%r| env=%r',value,env)
value = self.parser.parse(value,self.config,env)
if isinstance(value,dataclasses.String):
value = os.path.expandvars(value)
self.logger.debug('parse after:%r',value)
return value
def parseObject(self,obj,env):
"""Recursively parse a dict or list"""
if isinstance(obj,dataclasses.String):
return self.parseValue(obj,env)
elif isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)):
return [self.parseObject(v,env) for v in obj]
elif isinstance(obj,dict):
ret = copy.copy(obj) # in case it's a subclass of dict, like dataclasses
for k in obj:
ret[k] = self.parseObject(obj[k],env)
return ret
return obj
class SetupEnv:
The internal environment (env) is a dictionary composed of several objects:
Parameters are defined directly as an object, or as a string pointing
to another object. They can use the IceProd meta-language to be
defined in relation to other parameters specified in inherited
scopes, or as eval or sprinf functions.
Resources and data are similar in that they handle extra files that
modules may create or use. The difference is that resources are only
for reading, such as pre-built lookup tables, while data can be input
and/or output. Compression can be automatically handled by IceProd.
Both resources and data are defined in the environment as strings to
their file location.
This is where external software gets added. The software can be an
already downloaded resource or just a url to download. All python
files get added to the python path and binary libraries get symlinked
into a directory on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Note that if there is more
than one copy of the same shared library file, only the most recent
one is in scope. Classes are defined in the environment as strings
to their file location.
These are files that should be deleted when the scope ends.
These are files that should be uploaded when the scope ends.
Mostly Data objects that are used as output.
shell environment
An environment to reset to when exiting the context manager.
To keep the scope correct a new dictionary is created for every level, then
the inheritable objects are shallow copied (to 1 level) into the new env.
The deletions are not inheritable (start empty for each scope), and the shell
environment is set at whatever the previous scope currently has.
cfg (:py:class:`Config`): Config object
obj (dict): A dict-like object from :py:mod:`iceprod.core.dataclasses`
such as :py:class:`iceprod.core.dataclasses.Steering`.
oldenv (dict): (optional) env that we are running inside
def __init__(self, cfg, obj, oldenv={}, logger=None):
self.cfg = cfg
self.obj = obj
self.oldenv = oldenv
self.env = {}
self.logger = logger if logger else logging
# validation of input
if not self.obj:
raise util.NoncriticalError('object to load environment from is empty')
if isinstance(self.obj, dataclasses.Steering) and not self.obj.valid():
raise Exception('object is not valid Steering')
async def __aenter__(self):
# attempt to do depth=2 copying
for key in self.oldenv:
if key not in ('deletions','uploads','environment','pythonpath','stats'):
self.env[key] = copy.copy(self.oldenv[key])
# make sure things for this env are clear (don't inherit)
self.env['deletions'] = []
self.env['uploads'] = []
# get clear environment variables
self.env['environment'] = os.environ.copy()
self.env['pythonpath'] = copy.copy(sys.path)
# inherit statistics
if 'stats' in self.oldenv:
self.env['stats'] = self.oldenv['stats']
self.env['stats'] = {'upload':[], 'download':[], 'tasks':[]}
# copy parameters
if 'parameters' not in self.env:
self.env['parameters'] = {}
if 'parameters' in self.obj:
# copy new parameters to env first so local referrals work
# parse parameter values and update if necessary
for p in self.obj['parameters']:
newval = self.cfg.parseValue(self.obj['parameters'][p], self.env)
if newval != self.obj['parameters'][p]:
self.env['parameters'][p] = newval
if 'resources' not in self.env:
self.env['resources'] = {}
if 'resources' in self.obj:
# download resources
for resource in self.obj['resources']:
await downloadResource(self.env, self.cfg.parseObject(resource, self.env), logger=self.logger)
if 'data' not in self.env:
self.env['data'] = {}
input_files = self.cfg.config['options']['input'].split() if 'input' in self.cfg.config['options'] else []
output_files = self.cfg.config['options']['output'].split() if 'output' in self.cfg.config['options'] else []
if 'data' in self.obj:
# download data
for data in self.obj['data']:
d = self.cfg.parseObject(data, self.env)
if d['movement'] in ('input','both'):
await downloadData(self.env, d, logger=self.logger)
if 'local' in d and d['local']:
elif 'remote' in d and d['remote']:
if d['movement'] in ('output','both'):
if 'local' in d and d['local']:
elif 'remote' in d and d['remote']:
# add input and output to parseable options
self.cfg.config['options']['input'] = ' '.join(input_files)
self.cfg.config['options']['output'] = ' '.join(output_files)
logging.info('input: %r', self.cfg.config['options']['input'])
logging.info('output: %r', self.cfg.config['options']['output'])
if 'classes' not in self.env:
self.env['classes'] = {}
if 'classes' in self.obj:
# set up classes
for c in self.obj['classes']:
await setupClass(self.env, self.cfg.parseObject(c, self.env), logger=self.logger)
except util.NoncriticalError as e:
self.logger.warning('Noncritical error when setting up environment', exc_info=True)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.critical('Serious error when setting up environment', exc_info=True)
return self.env
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
if not exc_type:
# upload data if there was no exception
if 'uploads' in self.env and ('offline' not in self.cfg.config['options']
or (not self.cfg.config['options']['offline'])
or (self.cfg.config['options']['offline']
and 'offline_transfer' in self.cfg.config['options']
and self.cfg.config['options']['offline_transfer'])):
for d in self.env['uploads']:
await uploadData(self.env, d, logger=self.logger)
# delete any files
if 'deletions' in self.env and len(self.env['deletions']) > 0:
for f in reversed(self.env['deletions']):
base = os.path.basename(f)
except OSError as e:
self.logger.error('failed to delete file %s - %s',(str(f),str(e)))
if ('options' in self.env and
'debug' in self.env['options'] and
# reset environment
if 'environment' in self.env:
for e in list(os.environ.keys()):
if e not in self.env['environment']:
del os.environ[e]
for e in self.env['environment'].keys():
os.environ[e] = self.env['environment'][e]
[docs]async def downloadResource(env, resource, remote_base=None,
local_base=None, checksum=None, logger=None):
if not logger:
logger = logging
"""Download a resource and put location in the env"""
if not remote_base:
remote_base = env['options']['resource_url']
if not resource['remote'] and not resource['local']:
raise Exception('need to specify either local or remote')
if not resource['remote']:
url = os.path.join(remote_base, resource['local'])
elif functions.isurl(resource['remote']):
url = resource['remote']
url = os.path.join(remote_base,resource['remote'])
execute = resource.do_transfer()
if execute is False:
logger.info('not transferring file %s', url)
if not local_base:
if 'subprocess_dir' in env['options']:
local_base = env['options']['subprocess_dir']
local_base = os.getcwd()
if not resource['local']:
resource['local'] = os.path.basename(resource['remote'])
local = os.path.join(local_base,resource['local'])
if 'files' not in env:
env['files'] = {}
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(local)):
# get resource
if resource['local'] in env['files']:
logger.info('resource %s already exists in env, so skip download and compression',resource['local'])
elif os.path.exists(local):
logger.info('resource %s already exists as file, so skip download',resource['local'])
# download resource
download_options = {}
if 'options' in env and 'username' in env['options']:
download_options['username'] = env['options']['username']
if 'options' in env and 'password' in env['options']:
download_options['password'] = env['options']['password']
if 'options' in env and 'ssl' in env['options'] and env['options']['ssl']:
failed = False
start_time = time.time()
await functions.download(url, local, options=download_options)
if not os.path.exists(local):
raise Exception('file does not exist')
if checksum:
# check the checksum
cksm = functions.sha512sum(local)
if cksm != checksum:
raise Exception('checksum validation failed')
except Exception:
if execute is False or execute == 'maybe':
logger.info('not transferring file %s', url)
failed = True
logger.critical('failed to download %s to %s', url, local, exc_info=True)
raise Exception('failed to download {} to {}'.format(url, local))
stats = {
'name': url,
'error': failed,
'now': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
'duration': time.time()-start_time,
if not failed:
stats['size'] = os.path.getsize(local)
stats['rate_MBps'] = stats['size']/1000/1000/stats['duration']
if 'stats' in env and (execute is True or (execute == 'maybe' and not failed)):
if 'download' not in env['stats']:
env['stats']['download'] = []
if (not failed) and 'data_movement_stats' in env['options'] and env['options']['data_movement_stats']:
print(f'{stats["now"]} Data movement stats: input {stats["duration"]:.3f} {stats["size"]:.0f} {stats["name"]}')
# check compression
if (resource['compression'] and
(functions.iscompressed(url) or functions.istarred(url))):
# uncompress file
files = functions.uncompress(local)
# add uncompressed file(s) to env
env['files'][resource['local']] = files
# add file to env
env['files'][resource['local']] = local
logger.warning('resource %s added to env',resource['local'])
[docs]async def downloadData(env, data, logger=None):
"""Download data and put location in the env"""
if not logger:
logger = logging
remote_base = data.storage_location(env)
if 'options' in env and 'subprocess_dir' in env['options']:
local_base = env['options']['subprocess_dir']
local_base = os.getcwd()
execute = data.do_transfer()
checksum = None
if execute is not False:
filecatalog = data.filecatalog(env)
path, checksum = filecatalog.get(data['local'])
except Exception:
# no filecatalog available
await downloadResource(env, data, remote_base, local_base,
checksum=checksum, logger=logger)
[docs]async def uploadData(env, data, logger=None):
"""Upload data"""
if not logger:
logger = logging
remote_base = data.storage_location(env)
if 'options' in env and 'subprocess_dir' in env['options']:
local_base = env['options']['subprocess_dir']
local_base = os.getcwd()
if (not data['remote']) and not data['local']:
raise Exception('need either remote or local defined')
if not data['remote']:
url = os.path.join(remote_base, data['local'])
elif not functions.isurl(data['remote']):
url = os.path.join(remote_base, data['remote'])
url = data['remote']
if not data['local']:
data['local'] = os.path.basename(data['remote'])
local = os.path.join(local_base, data['local'])
execute = data.do_transfer()
exists = os.path.exists(local)
if execute is False or (execute == 'maybe' and not exists):
logger.info('not transferring file %s', local)
elif not exists:
raise Exception('file {} does not exist'.format(local))
# check compression
if data['compression']:
# get compression type, if specified
if ((functions.iscompressed(url) or functions.istarred(url)) and
not (functions.iscompressed(local) or functions.istarred(local))):
# url has compression on it, so use that
if '.tar.' in url:
c = '.'.join(url.rsplit('.',2)[-2:])
c = url.rsplit('.',1)[-1]
local = functions.compress(local,c)
except Exception:
logger.warning('cannot compress file %s to %s', local, c)
# upload file
upload_options = {}
if 'options' in env and 'username' in env['options']:
upload_options['username'] = env['options']['username']
if 'options' in env and 'password' in env['options']:
upload_options['password'] = env['options']['password']
if 'options' in env and 'ssl' in env['options'] and env['options']['ssl']:
do_checksum = True
if 'options' in env and 'upload_checksum' in env['options']:
do_checksum = env['options']['upload_checksum']
failed = False
start_time = time.time()
await functions.upload(local, url, checksum=do_checksum, options=upload_options)
except Exception:
failed = True
logger.critical('failed to upload %s to %s', local, url, exc_info=True)
raise Exception('failed to upload {} to {}'.format(local, url))
stats = {
'name': url,
'error': failed,
'now': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
'duration': time.time()-start_time,
if not failed:
stats['size'] = os.path.getsize(local)
stats['rate_MBps'] = stats['size']/1000/1000/stats['duration']
if 'stats' in env:
if (not failed) and 'data_movement_stats' in env['options'] and env['options']['data_movement_stats']:
print(f'{stats["now"]} Data movement stats: output {stats["duration"]:.3f} {stats["size"]:.0f} {stats["name"]}')
# if successful, add to filecatalog
filecatalog = data.filecatalog(env)
except Exception:
pass # no filecatalog available
cksm = functions.sha512sum(local)
metadata = {
'file_size': stats['size'],
'create_date': stats['now'],
'modify_date': stats['now'],
'data_type': 'simulation',
'transfer_duration': stats['duration'],
'transfer_MBps': stats['rate_MBps'],
options = ('dataset','dataset_id','task_id','task','job','debug')
metadata.update({env['options'][k] for k in options if k in env['options']})
filecatalog.add(data['local'], url, cksm, metadata)
except Exception:
logger.warning('failed to add %r to filecatalog', url, exc_info=True)
[docs]async def setupClass(env, class_obj, logger=None):
"""Set up a class for use in modules, and put it in the env"""
if not logger:
logger = logging
if not 'classes' in env:
env['classes'] = {}
if not class_obj:
raise Exception('Class is not defined')
loaded = False
if class_obj['name'] in env['classes']:
# class already loaded, so leave it alone
logger.info('class %s already loaded',class_obj['name'])
elif class_obj['resource_name']:
# class is downloaded as a resource
if 'files' not in env or class_obj['resource_name'] not in env['files']:
logger.error('resource %s for class %s does not exist',
local = env['files'][class_obj['resource_name']]
if not isinstance(local,dataclasses.String):
local = local[0]
if (class_obj['src'] and
# treat src as a path inside the resource
local = os.path.join(local,class_obj['src'])
loaded = True
# get url of class
i = 0
while True:
url = class_obj['src']
if url and functions.isurl(url):
i = 10 # skip repeat download attempts
if i == 0:
# first, look in resources
if 'options' in env and 'resource_url' in env['options']:
url = os.path.join(env['options']['resource_url'],class_obj['src'])
url = os.path.join('http://prod-exe.icecube.wisc.edu/',class_obj['src'])
elif i == 1:
# then, look in regular svn
if 'options' in env and 'svn_repository' in env['options']:
url = os.path.join(env['options']['svn_repository'],class_obj['src'])
url = os.path.join('http://code.icecube.wisc.edu/svn/projects/',class_obj['src'])
raise util.NoncriticalError('Cannot find class %s because of bad src url'%class_obj['name'])
if 'options' in env and 'local_temp' in env['options']:
local_temp = env['options']['local_temp']
local_temp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'classes')
env['options']['local_temp'] = local_temp
if not os.path.exists(local_temp):
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ and local_temp not in os.environ['PYTHONPATH']:
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] += ':'+local_temp
elif 'PYTHONPATH' not in os.environ:
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = local_temp
local = os.path.join(local_temp,class_obj['name'].replace(' ','_'))
download_options = {}
if 'options' in env and 'username' in env['options']:
download_options['username'] = env['options']['username']
if 'options' in env and 'password' in env['options']:
download_options['password'] = env['options']['password']
if 'options' in env and 'ssl' in env['options'] and env['options']['ssl']:
# download class
logger.warning('attempting to download class %s to %s',url,local_temp)
download_local = await functions.download(url, local_temp,
except Exception:
logger.info('download failed, {} attempts left'.format(i), exc_info=True)
if i < 10:
i += 1
continue # retry with different url
if not os.path.exists(download_local):
raise Exception('failed to download {} to {}'.format(url, local))
if functions.iscompressed(download_local) or functions.istarred(download_local):
files = functions.uncompress(download_local, out_dir=local_temp)
# check if we extracted a tarfile
if isinstance(files,dataclasses.String):
local = files
elif isinstance(files,list):
dirname = os.path.commonprefix(files)
if dirname:
dirname = os.path.join(local_temp, dirname.split(os.path.sep)[0])
dirname = local_temp
logger.info('looking up tarball at %r', dirname)
if os.path.isdir(dirname):
logger.info('rename %r to %r', local, dirname)
local = dirname
logger.warning('files is strange datatype: %r',
elif local != download_local:
logger.info('rename %r to %r', download_local, local)
os.rename(download_local, local)
loaded = True
if loaded:
# add to env
env['classes'][class_obj['name']] = local
logger.warning('class %s loaded at %r',class_obj['name'],local)
# add binary libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
def ldpath(root,f=None):
root = os.path.abspath(root)
def islib(f):
return f[-3:] == '.so' or '.so.' in f or f[-2:] == '.a' or '.a.' in f
if (f and islib(f)) or any(islib(f) for f in os.listdir(root)):
logger.info('adding to LD_LIBRARY_PATH: %s',root)
if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
if root in os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':'):
return # already present
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = root+':'+os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = root
logger.debug('no libs in %s',root)
def addToPythonPath(root):
if glob.glob(os.path.join(root,'*.py')):
logger.info('adding to PYTHONPATH: %s',root)
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
if root in os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].split(':'):
return # already present
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = root+':'+os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = root
logger.debug('no python files: %s',root)
if os.path.isdir(local):
# build search list
search_list = [local]
if class_obj['libs'] is not None:
search_list.extend(os.path.join(local,x) for x in class_obj['libs'].split(':'))
for s in search_list:
if not os.path.isdir(s):
elif os.path.exists(local):
root, f = os.path.split(local)
if f.endswith('.py'):
if root not in sys.path:
# check for binary library
# modify environment variables
logger.info('env_vars = %s',class_obj['env_vars'])
if class_obj['env_vars']:
for e in class_obj['env_vars'].split(';'):
k,v = e.split('=')
except ValueError as e:
logger.warning('bad env variable: %s',e)
v = v.replace('$CLASS',local)
logger.info('setting envvar: %s = %s',k,v)
if k in os.environ:
os.environ[k] = v+':'+os.environ[k]
os.environ[k] = v
### Run Functions ###
[docs]async def runtask(cfg, globalenv, task, logger=None):
"""Run the specified task"""
if not task:
raise Exception('No task provided')
if not logger:
logger = logging
# set up task_temp
if not os.path.exists('task_temp'):
globalenv['task_temp'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'task_temp')
# set up stats
stats = {}
# check if we have any files in the task_files API
if task['task_files'] and ((not cfg.config['options']['offline']) or cfg.config['options']['offline_transfer']):
files = await cfg.rpc.task_files(cfg.config['options']['dataset_id'],
# set up local env
async with SetupEnv(cfg, task, globalenv, logger=logger) as env:
# run trays
for tray in task['trays']:
tmpstat = {}
async for proc in runtray(cfg, env, tray, stats=tmpstat, logger=logger):
yield proc
if len(tmpstat) > 1:
stats[tray['name']] = tmpstat
elif len(tmpstat) == 1:
stats[tray['name']] = tmpstat[list(tmpstat.keys())[0]]
# destroy task temp
except Exception as e:
logger.warning('error removing task_temp directory: %r',
e, exc_info=True)
[docs]async def runtray(cfg, globalenv,tray,stats={}, logger=None):
"""Run the specified tray"""
if not tray:
raise Exception('No tray provided')
if not logger:
logger = logging
# set up tray_temp
if not os.path.exists('tray_temp'):
globalenv['tray_temp'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'tray_temp')
# run iterations
tmpenv = globalenv.copy()
for i in range(tray['iterations']):
# set up local env
cfg.config['options']['iter'] = i
tmpstat = {}
async with SetupEnv(cfg, tray, tmpenv, logger=logger) as env:
# run modules
for module in tray['modules']:
async for proc in runmodule(cfg, env, module, stats=tmpstat, logger=logger):
yield proc
stats[i] = tmpstat
# destroy tray temp
except Exception as e:
logger.warning('error removing tray_temp directory: %s',
str(e), exc_info=True)
[docs]async def runmodule(cfg, globalenv, module, stats={}, logger=None):
"""Run the specified module"""
if not module:
raise Exception('No module provided')
if not logger:
logger = logging
# set up local env
module = module.copy()
async with SetupEnv(cfg, module, globalenv, logger=logger) as env:
if module['running_class']:
module['running_class'] = cfg.parseValue(module['running_class'],env)
if module['args']:
module['args'] = cfg.parseObject(module['args'],env)
if module['src']:
module['src'] = cfg.parseValue(module['src'],env)
if module['env_shell']:
module['env_shell'] = cfg.parseValue(module['env_shell'],env)
if module['configs']:
# parse twice to make sure it's parsed, even if it starts as a string
module['configs'] = cfg.parseObject(module['configs'],env)
module['configs'] = cfg.parseObject(module['configs'],env)
# make subprocess to run the module
async with ForkModule(cfg, env, module, logger=logger, stats=stats) as process:
# yield process back to pilot or driver, so it can be killed
yield process
class ForkModule:
Modules are run in a forked process to prevent segfaults from killing IceProd.
Their stdout and stderr is dumped into the log file with prefixes on each
line to designate its source. Any error or the return value is returned to
the main process via a Queue.
If a module defines a src, that is assumed to be a Class which should be
added to the env. The running_class is where the exact script or binary
is chosen. It can match several things:
* A fully defined python module.class import (also takes module.function)
* A python class defined in the src provided
* A regular python script
* An executable of some type (this is run in a subprocess with shell
execution disabled)
def __init__(self, cfg, env, module, logger=None, stats=None):
self.cfg = cfg
self.env = env
self.module = module
if not logger:
logger = logging
self.logger = logger
self.stats = stats if stats else {}
self.proc = None
self.error_filename = constants['task_exception']
self.stats_filename = constants['stats']
if 'subprocess_dir' in cfg.config['options'] and cfg.config['options']['subprocess_dir']:
subdir = cfg.config['options']['subprocess_dir']
self.error_filename = os.path.join(subdir, self.error_filename)
self.stats_filename = os.path.join(subdir, self.stats_filename)
if os.path.exists(self.error_filename):
async def __aenter__(self):
module_src = None
if self.module['src']:
if not functions.isurl(self.module['src']):
module_src = self.module['src']
# get script to run
c = dataclasses.Class()
c['src'] = self.module['src']
c['name'] = os.path.basename(c['src'])
if '?' in c['name']:
c['name'] = c['name'][:c['name'].find('?')]
elif '#' in c['name']:
c['name'] = c['name'][:c['name'].find('#')]
await setupClass(self.env,c,logger=self.logger)
if c['name'] not in self.env['classes']:
raise Exception('Failed to install class %s'%c['name'])
module_src = self.env['classes'][c['name']]
# set up env_shell
env_shell = None
if self.module['env_shell']:
env_shell = self.module['env_shell'].split()
self.logger.info('searching for env_shell at %r', env_shell[0])
if not os.path.exists(env_shell[0]):
env_class = env_shell[0].split('/')[0]
self.logger.info('searching for env_shell as %r class', env_class)
if env_class in self.env['classes']:
env_tmp = env_shell[0].split('/')
env_tmp[0] = self.env['classes'][env_class]
env_shell[0] = '/'.join(env_tmp)
self.logger.info('attempting to download env_shell')
c = dataclasses.Class()
c['src'] = env_shell[0]
c['name'] = os.path.basename(c['src'])
await setupClass(self.env,c,logger=self.logger)
if c['name'] not in self.env['classes']:
raise Exception('Failed to install class %s'%c['name'])
env_shell[0] = self.env['classes'][c['name']]
if module_src:
self.logger.warning('running module \'%s\' with src %s',
self.module['name'], module_src)
self.logger.warning('running module \'%s\' with class %s',
self.module['name'], self.module['running_class'])
# set up the args
args = self.module['args']
if args:
if (args and isinstance(args,dataclasses.String) and
args[0] in ('{','[')):
args = json_decode(args)
if isinstance(args,dataclasses.String):
args = {"args":[self.cfg.parseValue(x,self.env) for x in args.split()],"kwargs":{}}
elif isinstance(args,list):
args = {"args":[self.cfg.parseValue(x,self.env) for x in args],"kwargs":{}}
elif isinstance(args,dict):
args = {"args":[],"kwargs":self.cfg.parseObject(args,self.env)}
raise Exception('args is unknown type')
# set up the environment
cmd = []
if env_shell:
kwargs = {'close_fds': True}
if 'subprocess_dir' in self.cfg.config['options'] and self.cfg.config['options']['subprocess_dir']:
subdir = self.cfg.config['options']['subprocess_dir']
if not os.path.exists(subdir):
kwargs['cwd'] = subdir
kwargs['cwd'] = os.getcwd()
self.stdout = open(os.path.join(kwargs['cwd'], constants['stdout']), 'ab')
self.stderr = open(os.path.join(kwargs['cwd'], constants['stderr']), 'ab')
kwargs['stdout'] = self.stdout
kwargs['stderr'] = self.stderr
# set up configs
if self.module['configs']:
for filename in self.module['configs']:
self.logger.info('creating config %r', filename)
with open(os.path.join(kwargs['cwd'], filename),'w') as f:
# run the module
if self.module['running_class']:
self.logger.info('run as a class using the helper script')
exe_helper = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
cmd.extend(['python', exe_helper, '--classname',
if self.env['options']['debug']:
if module_src:
cmd.extend(['--filename', module_src])
if args:
args_filename = constants['args']
if 'cwd' in kwargs:
args_filename = os.path.join(kwargs['cwd'], args_filename)
with open(args_filename,'w') as f:
elif module_src:
self.logger.info('run as a script directly')
if args:
def splitter(a,b):
ret = ('-%s' if len(str(a)) <= 1 else '--%s')%str(a)
if b is None:
return ret
return ret+'='+str(b)
args = args['args']+[splitter(a,args['kwargs'][a]) for a in args['kwargs']]
# force args to string
def toStr(a):
if isinstance(a,(bytes,str)):
return a
return str(a)
args = [toStr(a) for a in args]
args = []
shebang = False
if os.path.exists(module_src):
with open(module_src) as f:
if f.read(10).startswith('#!'):
# shebang found
mode = os.stat(module_src).st_mode
if not (mode & stat.S_IXUSR):
os.chmod(module_src, mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
shebang = True
except Exception:
self.logger.warning('cannot get shebang for %s', module_src,
if (not shebang) and module_src[-3:] == '.py':
# call as python script
cmd.extend(['python', module_src]+args)
elif (not shebang) and module_src[-3:] == '.sh':
# call as shell script
cmd.extend(['/bin/sh', module_src]+args)
# call as regular executable
self.logger.error('module is missing class and src')
raise Exception('error running module')
self.logger.warning('subprocess cmd=%r',cmd)
if self.module['env_clear']:
# must be on cvmfs-like environ for this to apply
if 'SROOT' in os.environ:
prefix = os.environ['SROOT']
elif 'ICEPRODROOT' in os.environ:
prefix = os.environ['ICEPRODROOT']
prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
for k in os.environ:
# pass through unchanged
env[k] = os.environ[k]
elif ('sroot' in k.lower() or 'iceprod' in k.lower() or
# don't pass these at all
# filter SROOT out of environ
ret = [x for x in os.environ[k].split(':') if x.strip() and (not x.startswith(prefix)) and not 'iceprod' in x.lower()]
if ret:
env[k] = ':'.join(ret)
# handle resource environment
if 'resources' in self.cfg.config['options']:
Resources.set_env(self.cfg.config['options']['resources'], env)
self.logger.warning('env = %r', env)
kwargs['env'] = env
self.proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, **kwargs)
return self.proc
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
except Exception:
if not exc_type:
# now clean up after process
if self.proc and self.proc.returncode:
self.logger.warning('return code: {}'.format(self.proc.returncode))
with open(self.error_filename, 'rb') as f:
e = pickle.load(f)
except Exception:
self.logger.warning('cannot load exception info from failed module', )
raise Exception('module failed')
if isinstance(e, Exception):
raise e
raise Exception(str(e))
# get stats, if available
if os.path.exists(self.stats_filename):
new_stats = pickle.load(open(self.stats_filename, 'rb'))
if self.module['name']:
self.stats[module['name']] = new_stats
except Exception:
self.logger.warning('cannot load stats info from module')